New fungal disease found on olives in Australia

Olive growers should monitor their groves for disease symptoms in the coming fruit season.

Piece-work rates

For skilled and motivated workers, the financial rewards can be high when using piece-work rates.

Researchers use compressed carbon dioxide to decontaminate almonds and other nuts

Almonds retain their characteristic flavor and quality using this process.

High tech sensors spot the sweetest peaches

How do you know if a peach is sweet without taking a bite?

Dogs join frontline to detect citrus canker

Australian dogs will be trained to sniff-out the destructive citrus canker disease.

Australian-first seasonal worker trial program extended

Seasonal worker trial program extended to help Queensland farmers harvest their produce.

Australian macadamia crop higher than expected

Contributing to the higher crop were a significant number of new macadamia plantings.

Tevel Aerobotics - best field robot concept award winner

Prize awarded for flying autonomous robot used for picking various types of fruits.

Increased lychee yields from managed pollination

Maximising pollination in tropical tree crops.

Ultra-fine lime granules key to controlling pH

The new technology we introduced is the ability to put ultra-fine particles into a robust 3–5mm granule.

Report identifies agricultural growth opportunities for Nthn Australia

Report is a first-of-its-kind roadmap for the economic development of Northern Australia.

Aussie orchard embraces agtech innovation

Tropical fruit growers saw an opportunity to use technology to support orchard management.

Primary Connect adds carrier services for mango season

Mango growers impacted by various challenges including weather conditions and a shortage of seasonal pickers.

Goulburn Valley fruit picking robot

Robotic picking may help overcome high labour costs and shortages.

Protecting crops from smoke, rain and sunburn

Biofilm technology enhances plants' cuticular membrane.