Science helps speed up cultivar release

Future-proofing a burgeoning macadamia industry is the focus of a long-term breeding program led by researchers at The University of Queensland.

Innovation rachets up mango eating experience!

Manbulloo’s ‘Project Flavour’ has launched the tantalising treasures of the Australian National Mango Breeding Program – three new and amazing mango varieties.

Tropical fruits in line for genetic boost

Murdoch University scientists will establish an advanced genomics platform to help producers overcome industry challenges and improve the performance and value of popular fruit crops.

A systems approach to managing nutrients

The Clean Coastal Catchments (CCC) Research team from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has taken a 'systems' approach to identifying key knowledge gaps in the science of macadamia nutrient management.

Export a major focus for Australian lychee growers

The Australian lychee industry exports around 22 per cent of the national crop.

Pomegranates – new crop for North Queensland

Pomegranates have potential in FNQ, but more work still needs to be done.

Orchard management the key to sustainability

Integrated orchard management (IOM) projects designed to get more sunlight into macadamia orchards, promote grass coverage on orchard floors, and manage water drainage are key to improving the industry's resilience and environmental sustainability.

How to tell when your Jackfruit is ripe to pick

Sheryl Backhouse, long-time member of the Sub-Tropical Fruit Club, gives her top tips on how to know when your jackfruit is ripe for the picking.

Farmable farming app simplifies management

Russell Davison, general manager of Farmable for English markets, travelled to Mareeba, Qld in February 2022, where he had the opportunity to meet Andrew Crebert and Rory Nunes. Mr Crebert and Mr Nunes manage three of Manbulloo's mango and avocado farms in Far North Queensland.

Bayer trial proves value of farm-wide program

With top quality fruit being the goal at Makhoma Farms in the Gin Gin-Wide Bay region of Queensland, owner John Warren is quick to point out that it’s a whole program approach that is not only most effective, but also most efficient.

Australia’s dragon fruit industry set to grow

Australia’s emerging dragon fruit industry is set to grow thanks to a partnership between AgriFutures and CQU.

Resilience and profits of high-density jackfruit

High-density production and trellis planting systems to be assessed for their cyclone resilience and production capacity and profitability.

Portable test kit for native fruit

On site measurement now available of key market attributes of popular bush fruits like Kakadu, green and Burdekin plums.

Growing custard apples using biological systems

Continuous learning leads to success for custard apple producers.

Portable chemistry kit sweetens native bush fruit production

The tool kit can be used to provide information on seasonality, growing conditions and plant physiology.