Coles Nurture Fund lets pear growers invest in new cool room technology

A VICTORIAN pear-growing business will regulate fruit humidity and limit water use by introducing new cool room technology. The Damianopoulos family of Masalki Pty Ltd have received a $400,000 Coles Nurture Fund grant which will allow the Shepparton-based operation to reduce its water use by up to 80 per cent. The family is among 16 farmers and food producers across Australia who will share in $5 million from the Coles Nurture Fund to help combat drought.

Australian pears land in Indonesia

New season shipment of Australian pears complemented by promotional ‘Love Australian Pears’ campaign.

Walnut genome sequencing opens door to new protections

Researchers seek breeding that could provide better resistance to pathogens.

Bravo apple harvest commences

WA’s 2019 Bravo apple harvest has kicked off, with the premium apples now available in retail outlets.

Mulch-in cherries

Researchers are studying how mulch affects yield and fruit quality in a mature sweet cherry orchard, including packout, cherry size and flesh firmness. The study also is examining how mulch affects soil quality — physical, chemical and biological factors.

Olive growers face challenging season with limited water supply, extreme heat

Multiple hot spells with day temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius, and little to no seasonal rainfall, are just some of the challenges olive producers have had to battle this season.

Scientists invent a sniffing method to detect rotten avocados

UK scientists are working to invent a type of portable sniffing device that can detect whether avocados are rotten without breaking the skin and damaging the fruit.

Impressive sales of Australian Kanzi apples

Sales of Kanzi apples in Australia is growing at a significant rate.

Ricó pears ready to roll

New red-blush pears being grown in Australia's Goulburn Valley, with sales to begin in July.

Small, sweet and high in Vitamin C — Australian growers are backing the jujube

With an increasing international population and a big focus on healthy eating, some Australian horticulturalists are pushing to expand and establish plantings of a fruit barely known to most of the country — the jujube.

Goulburn Valley farmer cuts power costs by $62,000 a year

A fruit grower in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley has cut its grid power consumption by one-third.

New software boosts mango operation

Software developed for Australian mango producer Piñata Farms, was instrumental in streamlining ripening and distribution operations during the 2018-2019 season.

Demand for pistachios is going nuts giving growers good reason to smile

A cold winter and hot summer has given pistachio growers good reason to celebrate, with many farmers harvesting great volumes despite being in the "off-year" crop cycle — and demand for the green nut is rising rapidly.

Detecting ethylene, the fruit ripening hormone

National University of Singapore chemists have developed fluorescent probes for the detection of ethylene gas for fruit harvesting and storage.

Industry blindsided by 15 April deadline

The apple and pear industry has been blindsided by a 14-day timeframe for the implementation of complex casual wage changes.