Almond industry set to be more sustainable

Researchers breeding self-fertile and more water-efficient almond trees.

Research delivers damage-free avocados

Innovation in supply chain and management improves avocado quality.

BOM declares La Nina

We could be in for a wet spring and summer.

Luna Sensation gets label extension

New registration increases options for disease control and resistance management in tree crops.

MRG sells citrus assets to Costa Group

Sale of conventional citrus at Nangiloc property.

Helping Western Australia breed the world’s best apple

Research aims to produce new apple varieties with improved health attributes.

Chilean scientists investigate the avocado flower's aroma

Avocado project seeks to develop artificial attractants for pollinators.

Cold plasma treatment aims to keep fresh produce safe

Australia’s Centre for Produce Safety is funding research on cold plasma wash water treatment.

New tech underpins evolution of world class citrus nursery

Innovation has reduced the production cycle for citrus trees.

New answer to major pests of tree crops

A new mode of action for some insect pests and short withholding period.

Aust custard apples: jewels of the tropics

Ever wondered why lovers of custard apples just cannot get enough of this decadent fruit?

Avocados for the Northern Territory

New variety of avocado looks suited to Top End environment.

Millions of bees on the move

Bees moved from almond orchards to macadamias.

New citrus variety information sheets available

New citrus variety information sheets now available.

Smarter pear orchards to consistently produce better quality pears

Experimental pear blocks will provide insights into the effects of rootstock, training systems and tree density on fruit yield and quality.