Fruit fly detected on Flinders Island off north-east Tasmanian coast

Biosecurity authorities in Tasmania are ramping up fruit fly control measures after the discovery of another adult fly on Flinders Island.

Almond yields hitting new highs with careful disease management

Careful management of its biggest cropping issues is helping Century Orchards achieve some of the highest yields in the industry at its high input almond enterprise near Loxton in South Australia.

Fontelis registered for husk spot in macadamia

Husk spot is a devastating fungal disease. Estimated to cost the macadamia industry up to $10 million per season, it causes the crop to prematurely drop to the ground. For many decades, the only option growers had to fend off the disease was to use broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicides, such as carbendazim.

Varieties, new methods drive citrus revival

When their citrus returns only covered the cost of production in 2011-12, the Arnold family let fruit fall from the trees at their Riverland orchard in South Australia. However, the adoption of a range of citrus crops and new management methods has since led a business revival.

The east and west working together to eradicate fruit fly pests

COLLABORATION between the east and west has strengthened the capabilities of the Goulburn Murray Valley (GMV) to rid the region of the Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF).

Coordinated defence against Australia’s most threatening plant disease

Wine Australia and Hort Innovation have teamed up through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) to safeguard the nation against a devastating bacteria that could cripple the country’s multi-billion dollar wine and horticultural sectors.

Super citrus surge on the Tablelands

Citrus is fast becoming one of the most significant crops grown in the Tablelands region with a value of more than $55 million.

Barnsby apple variety produces exciting results in EU Tests

Waves of excitement are rippling through the principle apple growing areas of Northern Europe after testing of the variety PLBARB1, commonly known as Barnsby, produced positive and promising results during the 2018 harvest.

Fruit fly outbreak declared in South Australia's Riverland

A town in South Australia's Riverland region, internationally recognised as being pest-free, has had a fruit fly outbreak.

Fresh produce on the Blockchain

When it comes to blockchain, most growers don’t know what to believe or how to prepare but early trials with mangoes indicate this technology could transform the fresh produce supply chain and create value to all participants in the supply chain.

Silvan Radak sprayer ideal for walnut grove

There is a major revitalisation program occurring in the Australian nut industry, with plantings of almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and other nut crops expanding, particularly in the southern states.

Young to Yangzte: Region's cherry growers turning to Chinese buyers

Standing between the rows of his cherry orchards outside of Young, Cherry Growers Association Australia president Tom Eastlake is preparing for what could be a game-changing season. Mr Eastlake is one of the many cherry growers around Young gearing up to export their produce to China for the first time thanks to relaxed new trade laws.

Freshmax Australia invests in Seedless Citrus production

Freshmax Australia has recently made significant strides in its ongoing 40Ha planting program of Tangold Seedless™ mandarins on their own farm in Swan Hill.

Thevenard fruit fly quarantine area lifted

The Thevenard fruit fly quarantine area was lifted this week following the successful eradication program for an outbreak of Mediterranean fruit fly. Fruit fly was detected in Thevenard in May and the area was then placed under quarantine.

Bug boat booted due to biosecurity risk

A boat carrying cars and machinery has been sent home because bugs on board could have decimated our $12 billion horticultural industry.