Red Sienna Pride pears to hit Aussie supermarket shelves

A new red velvet-coloured pear is about to hit the market.


Horticultural Netting Infrastructure Grants help primary producers in the Riverland and Adelaide Hills/Greater Adelaide region fund the purchase and installation of new netting or the replacement of any damaged netting over land used to grow horticulture crops.

2020 Australian macadamia crop on track to reach target

The 2020 Australian macadamia crop remains on track to reach the forecast 36,500 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (39,000 tonnes at 10% moisture), announced the industry’s peak body, the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) today.

Developing a mechanised citrus harvester

Citrus harvester prototypes being developed from olive harvesters.

Waste reduction in avocado

Leading Australian avocado marketer eyes growth with supply chain technology.

Singapore Airlines touches down in Toowoomba

Singapore Airlines sends fresh produce from Toowoomba directly to Singapore.

Tech to give avocado farm an edge

Alterra is setting up its first avocado site using technology to enhance sustainability and yield.

Smartphone to detect pesticide residues

Pesticide residues can now be detected using a simple smartphone app.

New process can decontaminate fresh produce with supercharged air

New method of treating fruit and vegetables that minimise food safety risks.

Manbulloo trials jackfruit in Northern Territory

One of the largest mango producers in Australia is trying out a new crop — jackfruit.

High domestic and export demand for Australian citrus

Nutrano Produce Group is in the middle of its citrus season and have started their export program for Navel oranges.

Electronic nose sniffs out perfectly ripe peaches for harvest

"e-noses" can be dispersed across an orchard to ensure each tree is harvested at optimal times.

Inefficiencies cost Australian suppliers

PMA A-NZ State of the Industry Report 2020 measures the impact of supply chain inadequacies.

New test could guarantee the perfect avocado

Test could reduce waste by 10% and help meet consumer demands for ‘ready-to-eat’ avocados.

Control and management of clearwing borer in persimmons

The APVMA has recently issued a permit for the use of a mating disruption agent for the management of persimmon clearwing borer.