Grow, connect and thrive at hort connections

The southern hemisphere’s largest horticulture conference is arriving in Melbourne June 3-5.

APVMA publishes diazinon, fenitrothion decision

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has published its decisions on the use of diazinon and fenitrothion.

Service dog protects the country

Biosecurity service dog Vespa has done more than his fair share helping to keep Australia safe, intercepting 1300 biosecurity risk items across 129 commodities last year – the most of any biosecurity detector dog in the country.

Gallagher protects the nation

Electric fencing is a cost-effective and reliable way to control animal movement, manage pasture and achieve strong conservation outcomes.

Making senesce out of senescence post-harvest

Kendon Chemicals general manager Chris Story says senescence is actually regarded as an evolutionary acquired process which is critical for plant fitness.

Apple orchard drying up – start pruning

When the going gets dry, producers need to get going on their apple trees according to Agriculture Victoria with thinning/pruning playing a vital role.

GUSS goes electric in orchard industry

JOHN Deere and GUSS Automation have unveiled what they call the world’s first, and only, fully electric autonomous herbicide orchard sprayer.

Clean up so you don’t get cleaned out

Coming to the end of harvest, and starting to think about pruning? Have you considered how you and your contractors will disinfect pruning tools?

Go nuts over this big little unit

The OB70R through Nut Solutions Australia, is billed as the smallest ride-on pick-up/collecting machine with an extendable hydraulic arm for high-level emptying.

Citrus boss puts squeeze on Queensland government

Citrus Australia has called on the Queensland government to provide further financial assistance to citrus growers in the state’s far north, as transport costs escalate following ex-tropical cyclone Jasper.

Greentech reaches to profitability

In the orchard industry it’s all about reach – after all, if left alone, some trees can get pretty tall. Take macadamias. Forget about them for five minutes (or 30-odd years) and they can go 20m.

FrostBoss has a growing army of fans

In the realm of frost protection, FrostBoss stands out as a pioneering solutions provider to global growers.

Pruning the kindest cut for citrus industry

Pruning the kindest cut for citrus industry

Wise decision for management

When Neale Bennett from Cowanna Almonds was looking for some software to enable him to run his pumps accurately and remotely, he looked no further than Wiseconn.

Automation to revolutionise the future

YOU own a large scale, remote vineyard and you’ve found the operator from heaven, who can manage the mowing, mulching, trimming, spraying.