The Almond Board of Australia is heading back overseas – once this year and again in 2026 – with strategic study tours involving representatives from across the almond industry.
The first study tour is to Spain and Portugal in May, followed next year by another visit to California in the same month.
The objective of the study tours is to:
- Observe relevant practices and innovations and improve understanding of issues and opportunities faced by the international almond industry and how this is, or might, impact on the Australian industry.
- Establish and/or improve relationships between Australian delegates and their international counterparts and identify areas for cross-industry collaboration.
- Share observations and new knowledge with the broader Australian industry.

The tour itineraries will be designed by a project reference group (PRG), taking into account past tour learnings, existing networks in Spain/Portugal and California together with grower feedback and participant interests to ensure tour destinations are relevant to industry issues across the value chain.
It’s envisaged the study tours will include the following activities:
Spain and Portugal– May 2025
- Aligning with the INC (International nut and dried fruit) congress from May 8-10, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain).
- Rootstock/ scion combinations at different spacing (IRTA).Harvest machinery and storage: Over-row harvester; in-field de-huller; in-shell silo storage (IRTA).Tree training systems for high density plantings (IRTA).Almond storage and drying silos to manage early and rain affected harvests (UNIO almond co-op Reus/Riudoms).Super-high density (semi-commercial) trial with dwarfing rootstocks and hedging (Agromillora).New varieties of almond trees for future challenges.
California– May 2026
- Aligning with the annual ‘Nickels Soil Lab’ – Spring Field Day (May) in Arbuckle, California – presentations on various research trials and production aspects.
- Whole orchard recycling – machinery, practices, costs and incentives.Replant considerations – Prunus Replant Disease, Nutrition, Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation to avoid Fumigation. Trial site at Kearney Agriculture Research and Extension Centre, Parlier.Groundwater policy reform and modelling water use for licenced applications.Inhive sensor technology for hive health & living with Varroa – BeeHeroRootstock trials funded by Californian Almond Board undertaken by Roger Duncan, UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) at Kearney Field Station.
The ABA will ensure the study tour group features a broad cross section of the industry.
Selection criteria will be used to ensure representatives have a range of interests, experience and perspectives across the value chain, job roles and growing regions. Preference will be given to emerging leaders and individuals/ businesses who actively participate in the Australian almond industry R&D program.