Harnessing native bee pollinators in tree crops

Are you interested in managing native bees to improve the pollination and yield of your crops?

Conjurer 750 WG PGR sets up tree crops for profit

Imtrade’s proven Conjurer 750 WG Plant Growth Regulator significantly enhances the productivity and profitability of fruit tree crops.

Detection of braula fly in bee hives

Braula fly detected in Victoria during varroa mite surveillance.

Other types of pollen collected during almond flowering

Understanding crop and non-crop pollen collection could inform honey bee diet needs and identify plant species of importance.

NSW Macadamia Plant Protection Guide released

The 8th edition of the NSW Macadamia Plant Protection Guide is now available online.

New technology helps fight varroa

Sensors placed in beehives can detect presence of varroa.

The role of stingless bee pollination in NT mango orchards

Maintaining native vegetation around the crop margins can provide natural habitat for local stingless bee species,

Shape your apples and cherries with Regalis Plus

Regalis Plus controls the shape of apple and cherry tree canopies, allowing extra light in, for even and productive fruit development

Bee Klipp for improved hive performance

Bee Klipp lures bees into and through flowering crops - improving bee activity to achieve better pollination.

Expanded use pattern for apple, pear thinner

Expanded use patterns for apple and pear producers provides greater flexibility for fruit thinning.

Varroa-targeting pesticide under development

Scientists will create molecules that selectively bind to and interfere with the hormone receptors of Varroa mite and small hive beetle.

Could flies be the back-up species to pollinate crops

Blowfies go from flower to flower all day because they're a big insect and it takes a lot of energy to constantly fly around.

Robotic pollinator could decrease reliance on bees

Robot will use AI software and electrostatic sprayer to locate and pollinate flowers with more precision.

Improve fruit quality & yield

Pollinus attracts foraging bees and maintains pollen gathering bees within the orchard.

Breeding flies to lift pollination rates

FlyGro attracts and breeds up local fly numbers to pollinate your crop.