JD options make market green with envy

In 2024-25, the high value crop (HVC) sector will reach a new record of $17.8 billion in its value of production, positioning it as the third largest agricultural industry in the nation.

Agriculture set to Prospr under Croplands

Croplands, Nufarm’s emerging solutions spray equipment platform, and Robotics Plus, a New Zealand-based agritech company, have announced they are joining forces to bring Prospr to the Australian and New Zealand horticulture market.

WEED-IT spot spraying available for orchards

Rometron Australia has recently developed the Optispot 7, an orchard sprayer that brings WEED-IT optical spot spraying technology to nut and fruit growers.

GreenTech spray system the best for tall trees

In early 2021, jointly Nigel Love and Vanessa Roche near Pemberton township, one of the most beautiful regions of the South West Western Australia purchased the first GreenTech Spray System for their tallest avocado trees.

Tornado sprayers mark 50 years in Australia

Tornado Pumps and Sprayers have been manufacturing and importing specialised agricultural equipment since 1973. 2023 is the Sydney based company’s 50th year in providing unparalleled innovations and service to the agricultural sector in Australia.

Setting up your sprayer: The ‘dead-pest-test’

The yellow test papers that indicate spray coverage on your crop is one method of evaluation.

Online spray diary more than just record-keeping

Switching from paper records to an online spray diary increases accuracy, reduces double-handling, and allows you to meet compliance requirements with ease.

Croplands releases new model orchard sprayer

Croplands – a name synonymous with Australia-made orchard spraying technology, has released an improved new sprayer to expand on its Tree Crop sprayer model range.

Robots and autonomous vehicles combat worker shortage

'Reliability of machines far outweighs the reliability of people.'

Farmers a fan of next gen spray technology

Locally made airblast-style fan sprayers designed for traditional orchards with wide spacings.

GreenTech Spray System the best for tall trees

GreenTech sprayer produces the right droplets for obtaining the best spray coverage with excellent cost savings and reliability,

Agvet Chemical & Technology Innovation Centre

New regulatory science and research and coordination centre.

Factory expansion marks 50 years of Croplands

The Quantum Mist is an example of Cropland's cutting-edge technology.

Croplands leads the way in tree spray coverage

Application solutions to suit any size of operation.

Robot spraying could transform the almond industry

One operator can oversee five machines from a control vehicle using a laptop.