Tree Crop Magazine
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Bees and pollination
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Flowering, thinning & PGRs
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Products and services
Cropliner blows competition away
Croplands is helping a busy family business in South Australia reach its full potential.
Events - News
Upcoming industry events for 2024
Don't miss this year's events!
Mangoes - Products and services
Scholar pays off
Martos Mangoes has grown from a bare block of land to a thriving orchard of 30,000 R2E2 mango trees in Bowen, North Queensland - although it has taken the family-run enterprise more than 30 years to become the overnight success it is.
Business solutions & labour
Neon lights up blueberry future
The new TOMRA Neon, a new blueberry pre-grader with sophisticated AI technology, brings overall value to the blueberry business model. Joshua Miers-Jones, global category director blueberry and avocado at TOMRA Food, explains.
Business solutions & labour
Technology has to start up somewhere
Aussie growers could soon reap the benefits of technology from across the globe through a scan of startups offering innovative solutions to labour challenges.
Business solutions & labour
Training hub supports biosecurity
As the Australian Federal government continues to jeopardise our nations staple food production by pursuing up to 700giglitres of water through buybacks from the productive pool under the basin plan, we will become increasingly reliant on importing produce into our country.
Macadamias - Tree crop insights
Macadamia growers honoured
Australia’s best macadamia growers have been honoured in the industry’s Awards of Excellence, announced the peak industry body, the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS).
Business solutions & labour
Campaign targets labour hire
Labour hire workers in the horticulture industry are the target of a significant new communication campaign by the Labour Hire Authority (LHA).
Tree crop insights
How narrow can we go?
A new Hort Innovation Frontiers project is about to explore planting stone and pome fruit trees in 2m rows with canopies as narrow as a pair of secateurs.
Citrus - Know your pest
Citrus flavoured pests
Congratulations! If you’ve chosen to grow a citrus crop, you’ve picked a tree crop with probably the most pests wanting to share in the fun.
Tree crop insights
Unleashing Pomegranate production management guide
It might already be a $10.4 million industry, with 275,000 mature trees, but the true potential of pomegranates remains largely untapped.
Tree crop insights
Blueberry water use in spotlight
The Clean Coastal Catchments (CCC) research project is working on a blueberry crop water use model, looking closely at how much water blueberry plants take up under different conditions.
Bees and pollination
Biological control for fruit fly
Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) is one of Australia’s most damaging horticultural pests.
Bees and pollination
Varroa mite in spotlight
Pairing the current alcohol and soapy water washes, sugar shakes and sticky strips with laser beams, cameras, vibration detection and DNA testing, are just some of the options looked at to help beekeepers monitor their hives for Varroa Mite.
Bees and pollination
Bee a farming success
A next-generation upgrade of the world-leading BeeConnected app has been launched at Parliament House by Regional Development Minister Kristy McBain at Parliament House.
Current issue
Inside this issue
Citrus industry firmly against biosecurity levy
Harvest Trail services to end
Unlock health benefits of fresh produce
Featured Crops - Nuts
Featured Crops - Mangos
Insights - Technology in orchards
Insights - Establishment & maintenance
Insights - Flowering, thinning & PGRs
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