Plug and play installation for Zetapack

July 25, 2021 | 5 Min read
A cost effective machine providing labor savings and improved productivity.

The Zetapack grader is designed for fruits that are not readily suited to mechanical grading, and its versatility has been demonstrated in multiple packing facilities where the type of fruit being graded can be easily changed.

Auspouch, an Australian based specialist packaging company, has worked with Zetapack of Italy to deliver practical and straightforward graders suited to a wide variety of Australian and New Zealand produce.

Recently in Shepparton, fruit producer, Seeka took delivery of a Zetapack grader Model C1/9 Plus. “The machine was so easy to set up that it was fully operational and in full production at the Seeka facility the morning after unpacking the machine from its crate,” said Auspouch managing director Bernard Waterson.

The Zetapack was delivered in one container. It was plugged in, programmed and operational with no technician support within 24 hours. See the Zetapack in operation here.

Seeka’s postharvest manager Etienne Theart confirmed his total satisfaction with the performance of the Zetapack grader after using it to pack Nashi pears. He said he had been researching the best grading equipment to use for more than two years and decided that the Zetapack C1/9 Plus was exactly what he needed because Nashi pears are such a soft fruit.

Mr Theart commented on the smooth operation of the machine. “The fruit sits still in the cups and there is no marking of fruit,” he said. Importantly he said he is very pleased with the cost effectiveness of the unit, resulting in labor savings and improved productivity.

Mr Theart said Seeka was very satisfied with the Zetapack C1/9 Plus and it delivered exactly what they were wanting to achieve.

“Additional benefits of the Zetapack include accurate weight detection, resulting in accurate piece count – the net effect of which reduces over-supply of fruit and maximises yield from a bin,” Mr Waterson said.

“On top of that, the Zetapack can size and pack without marking the fruit and enables efficient use of labour, increasing performance and output per shift.”

Categories Pome fruit Packaging & labelling

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