New software modules from Tie Up Farming

July 28, 2022 | 5 Min read
Tie Up Farming captures data and records activities on the go, using mobile technology.

In today’s agricultural landscape an integrated software solution to manage on farm operations is increasingly important.

From assigning tasks to workers over multiple properties, to designing a spray program and reporting down to the block level, is key to future-proofing horticulture agribusinesses, says Roei Yaakobi, CEO of TieUp Farming.

“Tie Up Farming is uniquely positioned as its data capture technology is built to record activities on the go, using mobile technology.

“All the on-farm actions taken by employees are recorded as they progress through their day, capturing labour, product use, and machinery costs, when required, and reported on for management analysis. Being cloud based, management has insight into operational efficiencies immediately.

“The newly released Inventory module expands upon the existing spray diary functionality. Not only does the technology record and attribute spray costs associated to the block but it now keeps a running account of how much product you have left in stock and where it’s located.

“The technology allows you to keep on top of your immediate requirements and plan your product purchases out into the future.”

Mr Yaakobi said the new module adds functionality to the existing spray diary that is used by growers to plan, calculate, instruct, and record spray applications, bringing efficiencies to a spray regime.

The inventory module is another step in the direction farmers want from their farm management software. “Our growers are highly data-driven and keen for granular detail about their farm operations. When there’s a business need, we’re there to support them,” Mr Yaakobi said.

When the Australian government brought in changes to how piece rate workers are paid Tie Up Farming was quick to update its software to help growers meet their legal obligations and ensure workers are paid correctly.

“This would be a massive headache for growers who can no longer just simply pay piece rates, Mr Yaakobi said.

“They want to keep the incentive of piece rate payments to attract the best workers, but also ensure they’re meeting the minimum hourly rate. It must be calculated every day, at Tie Up Farming we have the data to help farmers do this.

“We already capture piece rate data from harvest management and time worked from payroll, so it’s just a matter of making the calculation and providing a detailed report in order to meet the other obligations under the new Hort Award.

“We have a couple of growers working with the new module and its soon ready for release. We have also incorporated a labour management module which includes visa and vaccine information for each worker.”

Mr Yaakobi said technology is empowering complex horticulture agribusiness with the tools required to remain competitive in an increasingly difficult environment.

"Whether that’s compliance obligations, detailed financial insights or managing the daily movements of staff over multiple sites, cloud-based software management can tie up all the on-farm details to provide the data to make better decisions throughout the growing season.”

Categories Harvesting Technology in agriculture

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