Fruit fly outbreak declared at Lindsay Point, Victoria

May 24, 2019 | 5 Min read
An outbreak of Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly) was declared on Tuesday 21 May at Lindsay Point in Victoria, after a detection of a gravid female.

PIRSA Biosecurity SA is working with Agriculture Victoria; movement controls on produce are in place and a suspension area around Lindsay Point is being implemented under the National Code of Practice.

The detection is near the junction of the South Australian, Victorian and New South Wales borders and is part of the SA Riverland Pest Free Area.

PIRSA Biosecurity SA will lead the response in close co-operation with colleagues from Agriculture Victoria and leading an eradication program aimed at eliminating any fruit flies from the outbreak area and nearby surrounds as soon as possible.

Residents and businesses within the outbreak area will be receiving information from Biosecurity SA and their relevant state authority about the outbreak and associated quarantine, detailing what part they can play in preventing its spread.

PIRSA Biosecurity SA is liaising closely with the Riverland horticulture industry on the outbreak response, particularly in regards to the movement of produce and quarantine restrictions. A dedicated phone number – 1800 255 556 - has been established for industry queries.

An organic bait spotting program will be undertaken with the response also concentrating on the removal of fallen fruit from properties within the affected 200m outbreak zone area.

Queensland fruit fly doesn’t exist in South Australia and can only be brought into our state from infested fruit originating from the eastern states. However this is an unusual response as the outbreak and part of the suspension area are in the Victorian part of the Riverland PFA.

This has no impact on the fruit fly free status for the rest of the Riverland PFA or for the rest of the state and we are liaising with the broader horticultural industry, the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Agriculture Victoria and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries on the outbreak and our eradication campaign.

Residents and businesses inside the quarantine area can help eliminate fruit fly by practising a few simple measures, including:

DO NOT give away or move any fruit or fruiting vegetables, including tomatoes, capsicums, chillies and eggplants unless cooked or preserved
DO  NOT leave fruit or fruiting vegetables lying on the ground
DO NOT compost any fruit or fruiting vegetables, including those purchased from a shop
DO place all unwanted fruit and vegetables in your green bin for normal collection
DO report any maggots found in fruit or fruiting vegetables immediately to the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010

At this stage, if no further wild flies or larvae are detected it is anticipated that the quarantine in the quarantine zone surrounding Lindsay Point will remain in place until at least 22 December 2019.

For more information, including detailed maps of outbreak areas, the quarantine zone and Suspension Area are available from

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