It’s not new news but the facts back up the feel!

May 2, 2022 | 5 Min read
Insufficient skilled workers in Australia to keep up with demand.

The need for permanent employees across all facets of Agribusiness has not diminished in 2022, with first quarter results from Rimfire’s Rural Jobs Index indicating there simply aren’t enough skilled workers in Australia to keep up with demand.

The Rural Jobs Index (RJI) tallies permanent job vacancy advertisements in Agribusiness each month, and has done so since 2007. Job advertisements in Q1 2022 exceeds the first quarter results from any other year in the RJI’s history by some margin, increasing by 29.4% against 2021 advertisement numbers and 123.3% against 2020. The monthly total for March 2022 was the second highest ever recorded, beaten only by February 2022.

Historically, NSW has recorded the highest number of advertisements followed by Victoria then Queensland. While this trend has continued into 2022, the proportion of roles located within New South Wales has increased. 30.9% of job advertisements in Quarter 1 2022 were based in New South Wales, up from 22% in 2020 and 27.1% in 2021. Tasmania is the only state to have reported fewer roles in Quarter 1 2022 than 2021, registering a 6.38% decrease in advertisements. The largest increase occurred in South Australia where 49.13% more advertisements were recorded in Quarter 1 2022 than 2021, followed closely by New South Wales at 47.22%.

The Almond Farm Manger position detailed below is typical of some of the high quality positions on offer in agriculture at the moment. If you would like to learn more about this position, or contact Rimfire Resources, follow this link.

Categories Business solutions & labour